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小编:环球教育整理 578

  女中音走起:Diffusion is the process 小停顿 whereby something cultural, 大喘气 like a custom, a type of food or an invention, is spread from one group to another 停顿 or from one society to another. 这句话要重复一遍看上去挺不容易,但是仔细看看,你会发现,其实结构特别简单,缩写起来就成了:Diffusion is this process: something cultural is spread from one place to another. 以后考场上直接可以用这招,但是如果暂时运用不起来,我们还是继续练鹦鹉,体会口语之美。说话,看着天空,再来一遍。

  下面的停顿和节点都用 “ / ” 来表示吧,简洁美观些。

  One group adopts a cultural item, / or more selectively just part of a cultural item / of another group. You see? Now diffusion can occur through a variety of ways, / military conquest or / tourism, or / even something like the influence of satellite TV shows around the world. 按照前几段的方法试着自己完整说一遍,要诚实,朗读的不算,毕竟朗读只练嘴皮子并不真的练脑子。这句话缩写起来就是:One group adopts an advantage from another group. This process can occur through many ways.

  女中音lecturer讲到这里,其实总结起来就是:The lecturer talked about a particular cultural process, diffusion. It is a process whereby a group adopt an advantage, something cultural, from another group. The process can occur through many ways. 大家有自己喜欢的版本也可以,根据语速而定,语速如果慢到上面这段话15秒讲不完的话,那就说The lecturer talked about a particular cultural process, diffusion. 就行了。


  For example, take something like reading a modern newspaper here in the US, have you ever thought about where the letters, the characters on the page are reading, Where they came from? 好好学习ETS考官们提问时候贱贱的语调,非常有帮助,而且往往Q6往往没有学生在音频中鸟他/她,lecturer只能默默自问自答:They were borrowed from another culture many centuries ago. Then the printing of the words, / well / that process was invented in Germany, and finally / the paper itself. Paper was invented in China. / These innovations from the all over the world were shared across cultures over time and so / today we have newspapers in the US. So the process of diffusion might take place over long distances / and over long periods of time. 这段话模仿下来至少得要10分钟。复述成功的标志是:你能连贯地说下来,遗漏一些over long distance之类的周边词不用在意。这段理解起来应该都木有问题吧,这就相当于都教授把炸鸡带给了全球,于是我们可以啃着披萨吃炸鸡的效果是一样一样的。

  继续跟踪音频:Now I am not saying that diffusion happens easily. As I mentioned, sometimes, it’s selective. 女中音话锋一转,说这也不是轻巧的事儿,不是啥都可以传。For instance, many people in the US have accepted the practice of acupuncture. The Chinese practice of using needles to cure a disease or relieve pain. So lots of people in the US have realized that / acupuncture is effective. But few of them / fully understand or have committed themselves to the philosophy behind acupuncture. Cultures tend to resist ideas which seem too foreign, / too different from their own beliefs and values. But the ideas which aren’t perceived as too different are often incorporated, / absorbed, / diffused into their culture. So the practice of acupuncture has been absorbed into US culture / but not the philosophy of Chinese medicine.这段的模仿中注意acupuncture, philosophy等的发音。



  其实按照上一步的练习做完以后不会存在60秒说不满的问题,而是妥妥滴60秒说不完,最好能有100秒+才说得爽。这时候就应该练习概述。如何概述呢,一是把具象的词儿用大类的词儿代替,二是舍去多余的细节,把用or连接的几种同义表述删除,lecturer当时会这么说主要是担心学生听不懂,这么想想是不是觉得lecturer还是挺善良的。比如上面的第二个例子,典型的可以被扔掉的细节就是:The Chinese practice of using needles to cure a disease or relieve pain. 如果删除了细节信息以后还是没法脱口而出,那么就回到我们对付独立题的那个方法,中文能说出来吗?中文意思捋顺了应该就是“好多美国人现在已经接受了针灸术,但是很少美国人理解针灸原理。这是因为针灸原理与美国人的认知太不同,而这种太不同的东东,文化往往会抵制。“尽管这个表述中有些信息的删除,但是达意已经完全做到了,大栗子的精华都在。脑中一转化就成了Now many people in the US have accepted the practice of acupuncture. But few of them fully understand the philosophy behind the practice. It’s because the philosophy is too different from their beliefs and values. And cultures tend to resist ideas which seem too foreign. 重点是保持句子都是正确的,达意清晰的,用短句也可以高分。


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