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  06-01 双边讨论类大作文社会话题-环保话题

  Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe effective measures can be taken to improve this situation.Discuss both views and give your opinion.






  《剑-14》test1 正好有一篇考官范文,涉及同样的话题,其中个别观点,可以搬用到这篇文章中。


  toolate to do anything:甲方认为采取任何措施都为时已晚(即在分析甲方这一观点的合理性时,可以举出具体的客观事实或公认的真理,来证明为何没有办法)

  effective measurescan be taken to improve this situation:乙方认为还可以采取有效措施,弥补问题(论证乙方合理性时,也要提出具体可行的建议,强调其对拯救动植物的有效性)





  It is true that human activities have exerted detrimental effects on plants and animals, with conflicting views on how to curb this trend. While some people regard it too late to tackle this problem, I would agree with the argument that there are still some measures we can do to conserve the environment.

  On the one hand, it is easy to understand why some people are pessimistic about the feasibility of solutions.The reasons leading to the desperation is that survival of the fittest has long been rule in the nature for centuries, meaning that it is futile to reverse the trend. The past decades have witnessed various attempts being put forward by many NGOs (non-governmental organizations) with expectation to save endangered species, the sad truth is that they do little help to change the reality on the ground. One compelling example is the death of the last white rhino in this century regardless of the enormous effort and money invested in the conservation project.

  However, I support the opponents who believe that it is not time to be desperate, while there are practical measures waiting to be implemented to reverse the trend. At administrative level, the government could initiate laws to restrict the relentless exploitation of natural environment. By doing so, the habitats of a variety of flora and fauna can be preserved, which allows enough living space for wildlife to survive and breed. For individuals, people could stop buying products made from precious animals or plants, whether these be crocodile bags or artefacts made of ivory. Were it not for the demand for such products, the hunting and poaching would be mitigate d to a large extent.

  In my opinion, although it is too late to revive the wildlife that have already been extinct, there are still a lot we can do to save other animals and plants at risk.


  Detrimental 有害的

  Curb 遏制

  Pessimistic 悲观的

  Futile 徒劳的

  Relentless 毫无节制的

  Exploitation 开发

  Flora and fauna 动植物

  Habitat 栖息地

  Poaching 捕猎

  Mitigate 减轻

有规划 更自信



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